Pregnancy and Childbirth

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At PacMed, our team of family medicine physicians also offer obstetric care for low-risk pregnancies, providing comprehensive care from prenatal to well-child checkups. Our Beacon Hill clinic performs limited bedside ultrasound, non-stress testing, and lab services. Deliveries are attended at Swedish Medical Center’s state-of-the-art birthing center with a level IV NICU on First Hill in Seattle.

Beacon Hill Clinic (free patient parking available): 1200 12th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144

Swedish Medical Center: 747 Broadway, 5 East, Seattle, WA 98122

From confirming your pregnancy to overseeing your family’s ongoing primary care, our board-certified family medicine and obstetric practitioners are ready to nurture a relationship with your family across generations.

Scheduling an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, call 206.326.2400. Our call center will connect you with a registered nurse (RN) for a pregnancy phone screening. Whether you are a new or existing PacMed patient, the RN will then schedule an appointment for you with one of our OB providers.

Our Obstetric Providers

Primary Care for Newborns and Children

Contact our clinics that offer primary care for newborns and children.

Beacon Hill

Canyon Park

Federal Way






FREE E-BOOK: Your Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting

Childbirth and Parenting Classes

Labor and Delivery at Swedish First Hill Campus

Newborn Feeding, Breastfeeding, Chestfeeding